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terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

Amazing portuguese comunity of programming.

The community Portugal-a-programar has in the past 28 on May 6 years of existence . Several years of work and dedication of many volunteer contributors, it has been possible to create and grow a community of programmers in the Portuguese  language.
Consider some numbers from the community (blog, journal, wiki, etc.) and post this time, enabling them to win one of five t-shirts that are being offered.
Congratulations Portugal-a-programar and all who have contributed!

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Lazarus Free Pascal Tutoriais

Hi again.
I found a good site with video-classes of Lazarus Freepascal.
Here is: .

If i got autorization I gonna publish this videos t here.

Programming Resources

Where I navigate around the web I found some amazing resources for Pascal.
So here is a list:
Pascal Newsletter - Free Delphi Newsletter

According to the website, the Pascal Newsletter is a non-periodical (almost monthly) publication distributed free of charge via email in plain text format. There is also an archive of past newsletters in zipped .txt format with source code examples.
Interview with a Pascal Architect

Great insight into the art of compiler making .
Object Pascal beats C++

A down to Earth comparison between Object Pascal and C++.
The Pascal Programming Language

This paper is a review of the Pascal programming language.
Top 10 reasons why Pascal is better than C

Pascal article.
Using Unicode with Vector Pascal

Pacal article.
Hiding the Menu Bar (Mac)

Pascal article.
THINK Pascal and CodeWarrior Pascal

More resources at .
In my Delphi programs, sometimes it is necessary to simulate a keypress in TEdit that has not received the focus.

procedure TFormPegaProdutos.DBGrid1KeyPress(Sender: TObject;
var Key: Char);

if not (key in ['0'..'9','/',#13,#27,'A'..'z']) Then key:=#0;
if key=#27 then close;

if (key in ['A'..'Z']) or (key in ['a'..'z']) Then

 if (key in ['a'..'z']) Then Key:=chr(trunc(ord(Key))-32);
if key in ['0'..'9'] Then
...That is, the list of items (DBGrid1) the User may open a search panel for a new item without leaving the list, and can still register a sale of the item without leaving the list, which is, say By the way, very practical.

But Lazarus did not have available in the keybd_event, then how to solve this problem?

I created a simple procedure:

procedure keybd_event_on(EditControl:TEdit; var key: char);
EditControl.Text:=key+' ';


Now I can continue porting my programs for carrying Lazarus.
Not because of a keybd_event that the project will stop!

procedure TFormPegaProdutos.DBGrid1KeyPress(Sender: TObject;
var Key: Char);

if not (key in ['0'..'9','/',#13,#27,'A'..'z']) Then key:=#0;
if key=#27 then close;

if (key in ['A'..'Z']) or (key in ['a'..'z']) Then

. PanelPesquisa.Top:=80;
. PanelPesquisa.Left:=160;
. PanelPesquisa.visible:=True;
. Palavra1.setfocus;
. if (key in ['a'..'z']) Then Key:=chr(trunc(ord(Key))-32);
. keybd_event(trunc(Ord(Key)),0,0,0);
. keybd_event_on(Palavra1,Key);
if key in ['0'..'9'] Then
. PanelVenda.Top:=80;
. PanelVenda.Left:=60;
. PanelVenda.visible:=True;
. ValorUni.Text:=FormatCurr('#0.00',ProTEMPP_VIS.AsCurrency);
. QTD.setfocus;

. keybd_event_on(QTD,Key);

The Lazarus is not 100% compatible with Delphi, but running into problems like this, we can not give up, always have an exit.

Be free!
Use lazarus / freepascal.
You like to enhance your applications with gradient effects? It is also possible in Lazarus, see the figure below:
This is the component LazGradient, available for download here.
Good programs

Daniel Figueiredo


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quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2011